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Prague Medieval DH Storming

23. února 2023 v 9:00 - 24. února 2023 v 18:00

February 23
Hybernská 4

9:00-10:00 (materiality of text)


Dominique Stutzmann (IRHT Paris): Trends in digital codicology

Eyal Poleg (Queen Mary Uni. London): Beyond DH: New Technologies in the Study of Medieval Manuscripts

Nicole Volmering (Trinity College, Dublin): Database development for Manuscript Projects


Elizabeth Solopova (Oxford University): Creating an Online Edition of the Wycliffite Bible

Katarzyna Anna Kapitan (University of Oxford): Rethinking the role of the stemma in material-philological transmission studies

Ariane Pinche (Université Lyon): Handwritten Text Recognition and Medieval manuscripts for a hagiographic corpus in Old French (1200-1400)

Federico Boschetti (Uni. Venezia): Annotating literary texts by Domain-Specific Languages: Methods and tools

(corpora and databases)

Mark Faulkner (Trinity College, Dublin): Searobend: linked metadata for English-Language Texts, 1000-1300

Alex Moruz and Ana-Maria Gînsac: A Digital Corpus of Romanian Psalters from the 16th Century: Tools and Processing Pipelines

Katarzyna Jasińska: Vernacular glosses in the medieval Latin dictionaries – the database Rozariusze z polskimi glosami

Krzysztof Nowak: eFontes. The Electronic Corpus of Polish Medieval Latin

(flash presentations followed by informal discussions, with refreshments)

Andrea Svobodová (Charles University in Prague): MECz

Martin Haltrich (Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg): Medieval Manuscript Digital Workspaces

Pavel Tříska (Charles University in Prague): Opuscula

Barbora Uchytilová (Centre for Medieval Studies, Academy of Sciences, Prague): HyperFontes. The digital repertoire of sources on the Czech Middle Ages

Martin Roček (Charles University in Prague): SCRIBTUM

Nina Richards (University of Vienna): RELEVEN – Re-evaluating the 11th century with linked events and entities

Mária Vargha (Charles University in Prague): Primus: Empowering the Voiceless. The Role of the Rural Population in State Building and Christianisation in East-Central Europe.

Andrea Svobodová and Kateřina Voleková (Czech Language Institute, Academy of Sciences): Diabible

Jerzy Kaliszuk (PAN Warszawa): Database of colophons in medieval manuscripts from Poland

Ondřej Fúsik (Charles University in Prague): LINDAT

Ondřej Tichý (Charles University in Prague): Prague Digital Humanities Centre or Bosworth (?)

Farkas Gábor Kiss (ELTE Budapest) Humanists in Digital World

Michael Lužný (National Library of the Czech Republic): Manuscriptorium Version 4: A Virtual Research Environment

Jan Ciglbauer (Charles University) – Songs from Central Europe

David Eben (Charles University) Fontes Cantus Bohemiae and the network of medieval chant manuscript databases

Pavel Nývlt and Jan Ctibor (Centre for Classical Studies, Academy of Sciences) Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum

Stanislava Kuzmová and Ivana Lukáč Labancová (University of Bratislava): A Repertory of Medieval Sermons in Slovakia

Jan Odstrčilík (Academy of Sciences, Vienna): Overview and Comparison of HTR Solutions

February 24
Voršilská 1

The day is focused on hands on workshops and is suitable also for PhD and other advanced students. There will be parallel sessions.

Mark Faulkner: Editorial issues in an anthology of twelfth-century English texts

Jan Odstrčilík: HTR I – please, sign up at

Krzysztof Nowak: Words and Concepts. Medieval Latin philology meets corpus linguistic

Jan Odstrčilík: HTR II

Alex Moruz and Ana-Maria Gînsac: Revising Old Texts in XML Using the Oxygen Editor

Ariane Pinche: Using HTR with eScriptorium, good practices and sharing data

Nicole Volmering: Possibilities and limitations of using the FromthePage platform for transcription lessons, basic editing, collaboration, and crowdsourcing

Jan Odstrčilík: HTR III

Martin Roček: Semantic text comparison

(Klementinum gallery, Mariánské náměstí)
a guided tour through the exhibition Ugly Manuscripts of Crux of Telč (1434–1504)


23. února 2023 v 9:00
24. února 2023 v 18:00
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