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Crusading and the Crusader Movement in the Peripheries of the Christian West 1100–1500

5. října 2017 v 9:00 - 7. října 2017 v 14:00

International Conference, October 5-7, 2017, Marburg, organized by Herder Institute, University of Ostrava, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel in Cooperation with the DFG-Network “Stils curiae” at Ludwig-Maximilians-University München, supported by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung

Thursday 5th October

09.00 Welcome and Introduction Norbert Kersken (Marburg) / Paul Srodecki (Kiel/Ostrava)
Chair: Felicitas Schmieder (Hagen)
09.30 Norbert Kersken (Marburg) German and Polish Crusaders against the Polabian Slavs
10.15 Eric Böhme (Leipzig) The Legitimation of a Peripheral Crusade. King Amalric of Jerusalem and the Frankish Campaign against Egypt, 1163
11.00 Coffee Break
11.15 Jens E. Olesen (Greifswald) The Swedish Crusades towards Finland from a Baltic Perspective
12.00 Christian Krötzl (Tampere) Crusades, Mission and the Cult of Saints in the Eastern Baltic
12.45 Lunch Break
Chair: Alan V. Murray (Leeds)
13.45 Iben Fonnesberg-Schmidt (Aalborg) Papal Curia’s Perception of Crusading in the Baltic Region
14.30 Robert Antonin (Ostrava) The Crusade and anti-Pagan Rhetoric in the Foreign Policy and Propaganda of the Last Přemyslids
15.15 Dalibor Janiš (Ostrava) The Lords of Cimburg and the Crusades to Prussia in the 14th and 15th Centuries
16.00 Coffee Break
Chair: Norbert Kersken (Marburg)
16.15 Georg Strack (Munich) Tarragona or Jerusalem? Pope Urban II and the Target(s) of the Early Crusaders
17.00 Paul Srodecki (Kiel/Ostrava) Andrés Dias de Escobar and the Ideological Parallels between the Iberian Reconquista and the “Reisen” of the Teutonic Order
17.45 Klaus Herbers (Erlangen) Kreuzzug und Missionierung – Portugals Aufbruch in neue Welten im 15. Jahrhundert
18.30 Coffee Break

18.45 Keynote Lecture: Norman Housley (Leicester)

Communication between Centre and Periphery in Fifteenth Century Crusading

Friday 6th October
Chair: Paul Srodecki (Kiel/Ostrava)
09.00 Alan V. Murray (Leeds) Chivalry and Internationalism in the Crusading Movement after 1291
09.45 Darius von Güttner-Sporzynski (Melbourne) Was the Periphery Reluctant in Accepting the Idea of Crusade? The Case of Poland under the Piast Dynasty
10.30 Coffee Break
10.45 Andrzej Marzec (Cracow) Infideles et perfidi schismatici. Crusades and Christianization as Political Tools in the Hands of Polish Kings in the 14th century
11.30 Sven Jaros (Leipzig) Against Tatari, Rutheni et Litfani, hostes fidei. Role and Ambivalence of the Crusading Idea Concerning the Polish Integration of Ruthenia in the 2nd Half of the 14th Century
12.15 Adam Szweda (Toruń) Die Kreuzzugsidee als Gegenstand der Beziehungen zwischen Polen und dem Deutschen Orden nach 1466
13.00 Lunch Break
Chair: Dennis Hormuth (Marburg)
14.00 Sergey Polekhov (Moscow) Zwischen Kreuzzügen und Bündnissen: Die Politik des Großfürsten Witolds von Litauen (1392-1430) gegen die östlichen Nachbarn
14.45 Darius Baronas (Vilnius) Lithuanian Participation in the Crusading Movement in the Long Fifteenth Century
15.30 Rimvydas Petrauskas (Vilnius) Ziel- oder Ausgangsort? Das Großfürstentum Litauen als verlängerter Arm der Kreuzzugsbewegung vom Ende des 14. bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts
16.15 Coffee Break
Chair: Robert Antonin (Ostrava)
16.30 Nora Berend (Cambridge) The Centrality of the Crusading Periphery: Hungarian Rhetoric about the Crusades
17.15 Attila Bárány (Debrecen) Hungary and the “passagium particulare” after Nicopolis (1396-1437)

Saturday 7th October
Chair: Georg Strack (München)
09.00 Zdzisław Pentek (Poznań) Warum kamen so wenige Kreuzfahrer in das Heilige Land aus Osteuropa?
09.45 Neven Budak (Zagreb) Crusades in the Kingdom of Hungary, Dalmatia and Croatia – Imaginary, Abused, Failed
10.30 Emir O. Filipović (Sarajevo) Converting Heretics into Crusaders on the Fringes of Latin Christendom: Shifting Crusading Paradigms in Medieval Bosnia
11.15 Coffee Break
Chair: Jessika Nowak (Munich)
11.30 Nevyan Mitev (Varna) The Last Crusades on the Balkans from 1443-1444 or the Union between Central and Southeastern Europe against the Ottoman Invasion
12.15 Mihai-D. Grigore (Mainz)
Army Inspection and Crusade. Wallachia and Leo X’s Crusade Plans
13.00 CONFERENCE SUMMARY Norman Housley (Leicester)


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