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13th Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice

20. června 2018 v 8:00 - 22. června 2018 v 17:00

Wednesday 20 June 2018

8h30 Registration and payment of fees

9h00 Opening: Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University Prague and Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Session I

Chair: Peter Morée

 9h30    Thomas A. Fudge: Matthew Spinka and Howard Kaminsky’s Contributions to Hussite Historiography in North America

10h00 Richard F. Vlasák: The end of the Bohemian Reformation? The essential differences between the Unity of Brethren and Lutheranism and Calvinism up to the Seventies of the 16th Century

10h30 Discussion

10h45  Coffee

 Session II

Chair: Petr Hlaváček

11h00 Phillip N. Haberkern: The Bohemian Confession and the Hussite Tradition: A Historical and Comparative Analysis

11h30  Ota Halama: Prehistorie zrušení Basilejských kompaktát roku 1567

12h00  Discussion

12h15  Luncheon

Session III

Chair: Zdeněk V. David

14h00  James M. Gresock: Spilled Blood Seen Through Dried Ink

14h30  Radim Červenka: Narrative Sources in Late Utraquism and the Question of Sin

15h00  Discussion

15h15  Tea

 Session IV:

Chair: Phillip Haberkern

15h30  Zdeněk V. David: Pavel Bydžovský’s Historiae aliquot Anglorum martyrum: A Translation and an Analysis

16h00  Petr Hlaváček: Utrakvistický kněz Jan Bechyňka († 1507): retrospektiva a nové otázky

16h30  Discussion

16h45  Eliška Baťová: “Vyšším hlasem zpívej”: Hudební aspekty Augustovy tvorby na Křivoklátě

17h15 Lenka Hlávková: Musical Repertories of Bohemian Utraquist Sources (ca. 1470-1540) and their Relations to the Musical Culture of Central Europe before 1450

17h45  Discussion

Thursday 21 June 2018

Session V

Chair: Zdeněk V. David

9h00    Lucie Doležalová: Crux of Telč (1434-1504) and heresy

9h30    Jan Červenka: Literary dialogues and religious coexistence in the Bohemian Reformation

10h00  Discussion

10h15  Coffee

 Session VI:

Chair: Phillip Haberkern

10h30 Lisa Scott: Here, There, and Everywhere: Mapping Party Assemblies in Fifteenth Century Bohemia

11h00  Alexandra Kaar: Embargoing “Heretics” in Late Medieval Central Europe – The Example of Hussite Bohemia

11h30  Discussion

12h00  Luncheon

Session VII

Chair: Petr Morée

14h00  Dušan Coufal: “An sit Bohemis aliquid permittendum?” The internal debate over the concession of the chalice to the Hussites at the Council of Basel in 1433

14h30  Jan Odstrčilík: “Deus non adiuvat”: A case study of a Sermon from the time of a Hussite war

15h00 Discussion

15h15  Tea

15h30  Kateřina Voleková: Nebiblické texty v staročeských žaltářích 15. století

16h00  Hana Vlhová-Wörner: The last pages in Jistebnice Kancionál

16h30  Discussion

18h00 Drinks party

Friday 22 June 2018

Session VIII

Chair: Thomas Fudge


9h30    Jan Volek: Religion and Religious Change in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia

10h00  Discussion

10h15  Coffee

Session IX

Chair: Dušan Coufal

10h45  Vít Marša: Pojetí svátostí a spásy v díle Petra Chelčického z hlediska procesů individualizace a demokratizace

11h00  Discussion

11h15  Martin Dekarli: “Secundum Anglicos”: Tradice oxfordské logiky na pražské předhusitské universitě ve 14. století a Jan Wyclif [The Influence of the Fourteenth-Century Oxford Logic at Prague University in Late Middle Ages and John Wyclif]

11h45  Discussion

12h00  Luncheon

Session X

Chair: Martin Dekarli

14h00  Jan Řezník: Philosopher and Theologian Peter of Letovice

14h30 Discussion

14h45  Ole F. Kullerud: The literary narratives employed by the historiography on Matěj of Janov

15h15  Adam Radechovský: A Commentary On the Soul by Ienko Wenceslaus’s of Prague (d.? 1400) and Some Methodological Aspects of the ‘Scientia de anima’ treated in the First Book

15h45  Discussion

16h00  Panel Discussion

16h30  Business Meeting: Moderators: Brrp Editors



20. června 2018 v 8:00
22. června 2018 v 17:00
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