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Meanings of Mobility among Peasants in Europe, 1300–1800
17. října 2019 v 9:00 - 19. října 2019 v 17:00

Thursday 17 October
9.00 Registration
9.15 Welcome
9.30–10.45 Panel 1
Martin Andersson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) Peasant Migration in Seventeenth-Century Sweden: New Data Demands New Interpretations
Josef Grulich (University of South Bohemia) Peasant Mobility and Local Migration in Pre-Modern Time, South Bohemia between the 16th and 18th Century
10.45–11.15 Tea/CoffeeBreak
11.15–12.30 Panel 2
Mateusz Wyżga (Pedagogical University of Cracow) Homomovens? Peasants’ mobility in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the16th-18th centuries
Jonas Lindström (Uppsala University) Understanding peasant economy through the lens of mobility: A Swedish parish in the early modern period
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.15 Panel 3
Eugene Costello (Stockholm University) Social role, economic function and ecological consequence: seasonal mobility to marginal land in north-west Europe
Eva Svensson (Karlstad University) Moving up the hill? Peasant strategies in times of plague and climate change
15.15–15.45 Tea/CoffeeBreak
15.45–17.00 Panel 4
Tomáš Klír (Charles University) Social mobility, migration and the abandonment processes in the Late Middle Ages. The Cheb region (1392–1469)
Jette Linaa (Moesgaard Museum) In Migration.The movements of rural communities in early modern period in Denmark
17.00–17.15 Tea/CoffeeBreak
17.15–18.00 Discussion
Friday 18 October
9.30–12.30 Exkursion: National Archives Czech Republic Workshop for prospective projects
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–18.00 Prague excursion
Saturday 19 October
9.00–18.00 Field excursion