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CARMEN Annual Meeting

4. září 2019 v 10:00 - 5. září 2019 v 17:00

Wednesday 4 September

10.00 –11.00 Registration

11.00 –11.30 Welcome and introductions

  • Doc. PhDr. Michal Pullmann, Ph.D., the Dean oft he Faculty of Arts, Charles University (t.b.c)
  • Prof. PhDr. Ivan Šedivý, CSc., the Director of the Department of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (t.b.c.)
  • Introducing CARMEN – The Worldwide Medieval Network, Prof. Catherine Clarke

11.30–11.45 Award ceremony project prize

11.45–12.45 Keynote lecture

  • Pavel Soukup(Center for Medieval Studies, Prague) “The Hussites as a Community in the Late Medieval Church”
  • Discussion

12.45–14.00 Lunch (at participant’s own expense)

14.00–15.30 Medieval research in the Czech Republic, Presentation of medievalist departments in the Czech Republic

15.30–16.00 Coffee/tea

16.00 –17.00 Workshops for prospective projects, I

  • CARMEN prize special commendation:Black Death Digital Archive (Joris Roosen)
  • Magisti Joannis Hus Opera omnia (Petra Mutlová)
  • From Performativity to Institutionalization: Handling Conflict in the LateMiddle Ages (Pavel Soukup)

17.00 –18.00:Workshops for prospective projects, II

  • Cultures of Europe’s Historic Routes: Call for Potential COST-Action participants (Marianne O’Doherty/ Anthony Bale)
  • Archiregnum Hungaricum of the Angevins (14th c.) (ValentinaŠoštarić)
  • Revitalize the Saxon Monuments from Transylvania. A proposal (Ioan-Cosmin Ignat)

18.00 – 19.30: Guided Tour of the city center


Thursday 5 September

9.15 –10.00:CARMEN Executive Meeting (open to all delegates); News, elections, and business, including announcement of the new Annual Project Prize

10.00 –11.00 Workshops for prospective projects, III

  • Networking among Noble Families: Cases from the Japanese Medieval Experience (Rieko Kamei-Dyche & Andrew Kamei-Dyche)
  • MECERN – The Medieval Central European Research Network (Nada Zecevic)

11.00 –11.30 Coffee / tea and preparation for Forum

11.30 – 13.00:Forum (former Market Place)

13.00 –14.30:Lunch (at participant’s own expense)

14.30 –15.30 Workshops for prospective projects, IV

  • Make your digital research more sustainable and visible: Data Sharingand Data Management Techniques & Tools for Digital Medievalists(Ulrike Wuttke)
  • Visions of community – Late Medieval Central Europe (KaterinaHornickova/ Christina Lutter)

15.30 –16.30:CARMEN BoardMeeting (closed session)

16.30–17.00:Coffee / tea

17.00 –17.30 Closing words and thanks

17.30–18.30 Excursion to the Carolinum (Dr. Herglová)

19.30: Dinner

Friday 6 September


9.00 guided tour around Prague Castle (limit 25 persons, no additional costs)

15:05 and 15.30, guided tour of Karlštejn Castle (English, two groups à 16 people). Paid by participants either cash or by card, 750 CZK , i.e. 30 EUR. The list to sign for each ofthe excursions will be available at the registration.

Weekend September 7-8 the XV. Summer School of medieval studies takes place at the Sázava Benedictine monastery (in Czech). The participants are invited to visit theschool and the monastery


4. září 2019 v 10:00
5. září 2019 v 17:00
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