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Central European Narrative Texts in the Changing World of the Late Middle Ages
1. listopadu 2018 v 10:30 - 2. listopadu 2018 v 17:00
November 1
10:30-11:15 coffee, meet and greet
11:15-11:30 introductory remarks
11:30-13:00 Tristan/Tristram (chair: Matouš Jaluška)
Kristyna Solomon: The Old Czech Tristan-novel. Re-telling Between Tradition and Innovation
Maria Rita Digilio – Laura Gherardini: Tristan and Iwein in Italy. A Bohemian Codex of the National Central Library of Florence
Jan Hon: Czech Adaptations of Gottfriedian Poetics
13:00-14:30 lunch
14:30-15:30 Dissemination and Inertia (chair: Jan Hon)
Sabrina Niederelz: Tradition and Expectations. Later Medieval Texts about the Son of Gawain
Levente Seláf: How to Explain the Absence of Courtly Romance in Hungarian Literature – the Missing Link or a Linguistic and Cultural Desert?
15:30-16:00 coffee
16:00-17:00 Picturing Narratives (chair: Cora Dietl)
Matouš Turek: History as Heroics. Representing Charles IV in Two Vita Caroli Manuscripts
Jan Dienstbier: Narrative and Metaphor in Visual Representations of Medieval Romances
November 2
9:30-10:00 coffee
10:00-11:00 Tandareis/Tandariáš (chair: Martin Šorm)
Lena Zudrell: One Tenth of Tandareis. On Characters and Programmatic Reduction of Arthurian Literature
Matthias Meyer: The Repetition Game. On the Aesthetics of Tandarius
11:00-11:30 coffee
11:30-12:30 Knights and Mystics (chair: Matthias Meyer)
Cora Dietl: Development from an Ascetic to a Knightly King. Legends of St Wenceslaus, 10th–14th c.
Matthias Däumer: Of Sentinels and Neutral Angels. On the Connection Between the Jewish ‚Book of Watchers‘ and Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Grail Mythology
12:30-14:00 lunch
14:00-15:30 Narrations and Nations (chair: Matouš Turek)
Vojtěch Bažant: Tower of Babel in Medieval Historiography from Bohemia
Martin Šorm: Dalimil’s Crossover. On Love, Nation and Memory
Matouš Jaluška: The Problem of Courtliness in Old Czech Narratives