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CfP: Marian Devotion in Late Medieval Society
12. července 2021 v 8:00 - 17:00
Marian devotion rose to new heights during the late Middle Ages, with a huge number of artistic depictions created in a variety of mediums and an influx of new music and texts written in her honour. Her non-biblical activities were documented in many additional writings, such as Voragine’s Golden Legend, and expounded upon by theologians and philosophers alike as well as forming a central part of late medieval literature. This informal interdisciplinary colloquium aims to bring together research on Marian devotion to widen our collective understanding of its prevalence and importance in late medieval society.
We invite participants from any discipline to submit proposals of no more than 300 words for informal 20-minute contributions (or shorter).
Please send an abstract, expected length (in minutes), and a short biography to hallas@mua.cas.cz.
Submission deadline: 12 July, 2021.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by 18 July, 2021. The colloquium will take place in Prague and/or online via Zoom, depending on epidemiological circumstance, on 29-30 October 2021
We particularly welcome contributions on
* Liturgical and secular music for Mary
* Artistic depictions of Mary (and iconography)
* Marian literature
* Medieval Marian theology
* The Biblical and Apocryphal Mary
* Marian feasts
* Eastern Marian devotion
* Interdisciplinary research