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Labour in premodern Europe
19. května 2022 v 8:00 - 22. května 2022 v 17:00
15.30 Welcome
Session 1: organization of labor
15.40-16.15: Martin Musílek (Prague):
An Exhausted Society? Changes in the Spatial and Professional Organization of Prague in the Middle Ages
16.15-16.50: Marie Jäcker (Kiel):
The workforce of Exeter Cathedral in the Late Middle Ages – A Socioeconomic Approach
16.50-17.25: Colin Arnaud (Münster):
Employment relations in the textile guilds of Toulouse in the 13th century
17.25-18.15: coffee break
18.15: keynote lecture: Sheilagh Ogilvie (Oxford): Freedom and Coercion in Pre-Modern Work
/introduction by Tomáš Klír, Martin Musílek (Prague)/
Session 2: labor market, wages
09.30-10.05: Alex Spike Gibbs (Mannheim):
(Real) Wages in Late Medieval England
10.05-10.40: Florian Probst (Münster):
Institutions of rural labour markets in pre-modern Germany
10.40-11.10: coffee break
11.10-11.45: Roman Zaoral (Prague):
Real wages of labourers and craftsmen in late medieval Moravia: The case of Znojmo and Brno in 1409–1540
11.45-12.20: Rolf Strøm-Olsen (Madrid):
Approaching the Agency Cost Problem in Pre-modernity: labour contracting at the 15th-century Burgundian court
Session 3: questions of gender, disability and marginalization
14.00-14.35: Eva-Maria Cersovsky (Köln):
Working Couples, Health Care and Poor Relief in Later Medieval Strasbourg
14.35-15.10: Lena Liznierski (Mannheim):
How socially responsibly were the charitable institutions of the early modern period as employers?
15.10-15.45: coffee break
15.45-15.20: Matthias Wesseling (Aachen)
Between Labour and Begging: Associations of Marginalized Social Groups in Late Medieval Germany
16.20-16.55: Bianca Frohne (Kiel)
Putting “Work” into Disability History: A Few Suggestions
Session 4: serfdom and manorial labor
09.30-10.05: Piotr Guzowski (Bialystok):
Corvée – source of work or source of money in the manorial system in Poland in the 15-17th centuries
10.05-10.35: Monika Kozłowska-Szyc, Piotr Guzowski, Radosław Poniat (Bialystok):
Efficiency of the serfdom system
10.35-11.05: coffee break
11.05-11.40: Jacqueline Turek (Aachen):
Gender, Mobility, and Work: Male and Female Servants in Late Medieval Southern German Cities
11.40-12.00: concluding remarks: Tomáš Klír, Martin Musílek (Prague)
12.15-13.15: Lunch break
14.30-18.00: Work meeting
9.30–11.00 Strategic planning meeting