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Medievalisms on the Screen:The Representation of the Middle Ages in 21st Century Audiovisual Media
29. dubna 2021 v 11:00 - 1. května 2021 v 17:00
Thursday April 29th
Opening Keynote Lecture:
Prof. Louise D’Arcens (MacQuarie University): England Found and Made: The Saxon Period in the Brexit Era.
Procedural Rhetoric in Medieval-Themed Video Games
Olga Kalashnikova (Central European University): Constructing the Middle Ages on the Screen: Procedural Rhetoric in Civilization V, Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Medieval Dynasty.
Robert Houghton (University of Winchester): The Digital ‚Dark Ages‘ and the Trouble with Tech Trees.
Daniel Wigmore (University of Southampton): National Identities and the Imposition of Authenticity in Strategy Video Games.
Medieval Ideas, Practices and Attitudes On-Screen
Petar Paranov (Central European University): „All Death is Certain”: Representations of Mortuary Behaviour in Kingdom of Heaven.
Kathleen Eck (Saint Louis University): Modern Medieval Dissability: Culture and Identity in Game of Thrones.
Tatiana Konrad (University of Vienna): The Dread of Aging: A Feminist Reading of The Countess.
Friday April 30th
Imagining Non-western Medieval Worlds (Daniel Ziemann)
Claudia Bonillo (University of Zaragoza/University of Kyoto): At a Gallop Through the Age of the Warring States: The History of the Takeda Clan According to Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence.
Andre Magpantay (University of the Philippines): Medieval Representation in Korean Dramas of the Silla, Goryeo and Jonseon Periods.
Lubna Irfan (Aligahr Muslim University): Re-reading the Jodha-Akbar in the Times of Love-Jihad in India.
On-screen Uses of the Middle Ages
Nuria Corral Sánchez (University of Salamanca): (Re)thinking the Middle Ages: Didactic Proposals Around Audiovisual Culture.
Marija Blaskovic (University of Vienna): Benefits and Limitations of Multifaceted Self-referentiality in Galavant.
Pablo Crovetto (ISP JGV): The Use of Old-English in 21st-Century Entertainment Media.
On-Screen Abuses of the Middle Ages (Baukje)
Alexandra Gutiérrez Hernández & Carmen Sáez González (University of Salamanca): The “Evil” Architecture in 21st-Century Disney Factory Productions.
Tess Alana Waterson (University of Adelaide): „Your Judgement Must be your Guide”: Persecuting Witches in Medievalist Fantasy Role-Playing Games.
Mateusz Ferens (University of Wisconsin-Madison): 1453 in 2020: The Mythistorical Rhetoric in Netflix’s Latest Docudrama.
Saturday May 1st
Medievalism and National Symbolism:
Francis Mickus (Sorbonne University): From CNN to Youtube: Henry V in the Digital Age.
Anne Tastad (University of British Columbia): HERESY: A Folklore-Inspired Streetwear Brand Refashions British Heritage.
Nicola Carotenuto (Oxford University): Barbarossa (2009), Between History, Fiction, and Propaganda.
Medievalisms, Politics and Identity (Jozska):
Annika Christensen (University of Leeds): Whiteness as an Indicator of Nordic Authenticity: Exploring the Images of Whiteness in Videogames.
Steffen Hope (Linnaeus University): Dreams of a Norse Origin Story: Fantasy, Pseudo-history, and Fiction in the Reception of the Vinland Sagas.
Jordan Voltz (Central European University): The Devil Wears a Wizard’s Robe: Medievalism in the Religious Right’s Discourse Surrounding Dungeons & Dragons.
Closing Keynote Lecture:
Prof. Andrew B.R. Elliot (University of Lincoln): Between the Screens of Medievalism.
Pre-registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wUduTiR173XVzPQ7P0TxVcXtDXcse1F5WeodK_i…
Contact email:
Juan Manuel Rubio Arevalo: rubio-arevalo_juan@phd.ceu.edu