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Power in Numbers
11. října 2021 v 16:00 - 13. října 2021 v 17:00

Monday 11 October
16.00 Registration and welcome
16.30–18.30 Panel 1
MARTIN JANOVSKÝ, Charles University, Prague
Exploratory data analysis of romanesque churches in Bohemia
ALEXANDER WATZINGER,Österreichische Akademie Der Wissenschafte
BERNHARD KOSCHICEK, Österreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften
OpenAtlas – A web based tool to acquire and manage historical and archeological data
STEFAN EICHERT, Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien
THANADOS – The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures
18.30 –19.00 Discussion
Tuesday 12 October
09.00–10.30 Panel 2
DAVID KALHOUS, Masaryk University, Brno
Introducing the church in Bohemia and Moravia: structures and processes
MAXIM MORDOVIN, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Connection between the Early Royal Castles and Churches in the Kingdom of Hungary (11th Century)
IVO ŠTEFAN, Charles University, Prague
Community of the living – community of the dead in 10th – 12th centuries Bohemia
10.30 –11.00 Discussion
11.00–11.15 Tea/Coffee Break
11.15–12.15 Panel 3
ROLAND FILZWIESER, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute
Prospecting early medieval religious landscapes at Pliska, Bulgaria
NINA BRUNDKE, Österreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften
„Oh, Come, Little Children“ – Burial Customs on the 11th Century Burial Ground of Oberleiserberg (Austria)
12.15 –12.45 Discussion
12.45–14.30 Lunch break
14.30–15.30 Panel 4
MÁRIA VARGHA, Charles University, Prague
Itinerant kingship, royal curias and the early church network in Hungary
ZSOLT CSÓK, National Museum of Transylvania’s History, Cluj
Dynamics of an early medieval county center: the satellite parishes in 11th-12th c. Transylvania. A case study.
15.30 –16.00 Discussion
16.00–16.15 Tea/Coffee Break
16.15–17.45 Panel 5
KATALIN SZENDE, Central European University, Vienna
The other side of the coin: the Christianization of the (proto)-urban landscape
JÓZSEF LASZLOVSZKY, Central European University, Vienna
Liturgical Objects of the Rural Churches from the Period of Christianization: An Archaeological Horizon Connected to the Mongol Invasion of Hungary in 1241-42.
LÁSZLÓ FERENCZI, Charles University, Prague
Digital topographic databases as sources for the retrogressive reconstruction of the early medieval settlement network and church topography in Hungary
17.45 –18.30 Discussion
19.00 – Dinner
Wednesday 13 October
10.00–12.00 LADISLAV VARADZIN, Charles University, Prague
Vyšehrad Castle in the Early Medieval Period
12.00–13.30 Lunch break
13.30–18.00 Strategic planning meeting