- akce již proběhla.
Power in Numbers. The Role of the Rural Population in Christianisation and State Formation II.
11. května 2022 v 8:00 - 13. května 2022 v 17:00

Wednesday 11 May
09.00 Registration and welcome
09.30–11.00 Panel 1
ANDREJ PLETERSKI, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubjana
The Churches and the Space of Political Power
ALEXANDR MUSIN, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (online)
Rural Population with Urban Culture: New Approaches for Chronological and Regional Differences of the Christianization of Eastern Europe
ROBERT ANTONÍN, University of Ostrava
Changes of Liturgical Practices in Czech Lands after the IVth Lateran Council. Between Norm and Reality
11.00 –11.30 Discussion
11.30–11.45 Tea/Coffee Break
11.45–12.45 Panel 2
TIBOR ÁKOS RÁCZ, Ferenczy Museum Centre, Szentendre
Settlement Networks and Religious Growth in 11-12th century Pest County (Hungary)
FLORIN MĂRGINEAN, National Museum of Transylvania’s History, Cluj
Between the Local Power Centre and the Ecclesiastical Network. Living in Castrum Orod in the Árpád Age
12.45 –13.15 Discussion
13.15–14.30 Lunch break
14.30–15.30 Panel 3
LÁSZLÓ FERENCZI – MÁRIA VARGHA, Charles University, Prague
Historical Spatial Approaches to the Development of the Early Church Network. The Case Study of Veszprém County
MARTIN JANOVSKÝ- MARTIN FAJTA, Charles University, Prague
Empowering the Voiceless – Preliminary results
15.30 –16.00 Discussion
16.00–16.15 Tea/Coffee Break
16.15–17.45 Panel 4
NIKOLINA ANTONIĆ, Independent Scholar, Zagreb The Cistercian Estate at St Helen’s in Samobor
DAVID KALHOUS, Masaryk University, Brno
JOSEF ŠRÁMEK, Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové Connecting people: Monasteries in Přemyslid Bohemia
KAREN STARK, Central European University, Vienna
The Formation of the Regnum Marianum: The Place of the Virgin Mary in the Development of the Christian Kingdom of Hungary
17.45 –18.30 Discussion
19.00 – Joint gathering with the MERC conference
Thursday 12 May
09.00–10.30 Panel 5
PRZEMYSŁAW URBAŃCZYK, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Burial practice in transition – sepulchral evidence of Christianization in the early Piast state
NINA GLIŃSKA, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce
Pagans and Christians. Christianity in the Czech Kingdom and the Kingdom of Poland in the Middle Ages – an Archaeological Part of the Project
VIKTORIE JANOVSKÁ, Charles University, Prague Spatial Analysis of Archaeological and Linguistic Data in Early Medieval northern Bavaria
10.30 –11.00 Discussion
11.00–11.15 Tea/Coffee Break
11.15–12.15 Panel 6
ANDREJ ALADZHOV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia The Pliska-type churches, the Great Basilica and their relation to the settlements in the Inner city of Pliska
EWA MOŹDZIOCH University of Opole, Poland – SŁAWOMIR MOŹDZIOCH, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław – MONICA CHIOVARO, Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Palermo, Italy – MAREK KRĄPIEC, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Between Palermo and Cefalu. The role of the first Norman monastic foundations in (re)Christianization of the island’s rural population in the light of archaeological research in the Altavilla Milicia region
12.15 –12.45 Discussion
12.45–14.30 Lunch break
14.30–15.30 Panel 7
JERNEJ RIHTER, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubjana
The Last Early Medieval and First High Medieval Burials with Gravegoods from the Župna Cerkev in Kranj Cemetery (Slovenia) in the Light of Stratigraphy and Material Culture
PETAR PARVANOV, Central European University, Vienna
Whispers from the Grave: Early Medieval Prone Burials in the Necropolitics on the Middle and Lower Danube
15.30 –16.00 Discussion
16.00–16.15 Tea/Coffee Break
16.15–17.45 Panel 8
MARCIN DANIELEWSKI, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
On the threshold of Christianity and the Church in Kuyavia in the 10th–12th centuries
ZSOLT CSÓK, National Museum of Transylvania’s History, Cluj
Dynamics of an Early Medieval County Centre: The Satellite Parishes in 11th-12th c. Transylvania. A Case Study
ZUZANA HOFMANOVÁ, Masaryk University, Brno – Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig Addition of archaeogenetics to the study of rural church cemeteries: More than sum of the parts
17.45 –18.30 Discussion
Friday 13 May
10.00–13.00 Strategic planning meeting
13.00–14.00 Lunch break
14.00–18.00 IVO ŠTEFAN, Charles University, Prague
Comprehensive Overview of the Early Medieval Fortifications: the Example of Budeč
Mária Vargha
Department of Archaeology
Faculty of Arts, Charles University
maria.vargha@ff.cuni.cz, +420 773 233 990