Call for papers
V. Medievistické kolokvium – Hlína a kamení
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1, Česká republikaVážené a milé medievistky, vážení a milí medievisté, ve dnech 21. a 22. ledna 2020 se v Praze uskuteční páté medievistické kolokvium Centra pro studium středověku FF UK, rádi bychom vás na ně pozvali. Jeho tématem bude Hlína a kamení....
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CfP: Distinguo – Studying Distinctiones, the Backbones of Medieval Latin Preaching
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1, Česká republikaMarjorie Burghart (CNRS) and Lucie Doležalová (Charles University Prague) invite submission of papers for an upcoming conference on distinctiones in the context of preaching, to be held in Prague between 23-25 April 2020. Theme The study of medieval preaching –...
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CfP: Post-classical resilient landscapes and urbanscapes
Madrid , ŠpanělskoCfP: Digital Diplomatics 2020
Graz Graz, RakouskoIn the several years since the last conference/workshop dedicated to the study of Digital Diplomatics, new technologies have emerged and new projects have come to fruition. This conference/workshop will bring together selected leading and upcoming experts in the study of...
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CfP: Uneven regional development in the Middle Ages: “younger Europe” in transcontinental and intercontinental networks
Uneven development is most commonly defined in terms of the gap between highly developed, industrialized countries and agrarian countries whose economies are dominated by primary sector activities. Historians have been pointing out for years that the inequalities prevailing in the...
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CfP: The Governance of Medieval European Towns
Castelo de Vide Castelo de Vide, PortugalskoThis year, from October 8th to the 10th, the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM | NOVA-FCSH) and the municipality of Castelo de Vide are organizing the V International Conference on the Middle Ages, under the theme: The Governance of Medieval...
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Radical Religious Communities in Premodern Societies
Husitské muzeum v Táboře Žižkovo Náměstí 23, Tábor, Česká republikaA conference on the occasion of the (postponed) 600th anniversary of the foundation of Tábor The emergence of dissenting and radical religious groups was a logical consequence of the pursuit of renewal in premodern Christianity. The separation of such groups...
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CfP Laetae segetes VII
Filozofická fakulta MU Brno A. Nováka 1, BrnoThe Department of Classical Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, formally announces the International PhD Student Conference Laetae segetes VII, an opportunity for beginning researchers to present their work. This event is a continuation of similar colloquiums...
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Místa setkávání
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1, Česká republikaInterdisciplinární konference Místa setkávání: prostor a jeho narativy organizovaná doktorandy z Ústavu světových dějin, semináře středověku, k problematice a vnímání míst setkávání v narativu středověkých dějin. Značná rozsáhlost a mnohovstevnatost pojmu místa setkávání zabezpečí účastníkům široké pole badání a množství...
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