Denní medievista
Denní medievista

Italian Peninsula and Central-Eastern Europe between Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. Economy, Society, Culture

SAPIENZA Università di Roma Aula Organi Collegiali, Palazzo del Rettorato, piazzale Aldo Moro, 5., Roma

In a recent speech at the Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages, Hungarian Gábor Klaniczay underlined how «Much of Central-Eastern European historiography aims to find out precisely this component in historical evolution of the region, measuring the degree of...
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Contingency and Necessity in Medieval and Post-medieval Scholasticism

Akademické konferenční centrum Husova 4a, Praha, Česká republika

One day workshop on various issues related to contingency and necessity: future contingents, modalities, causation. Deadline for abstracts (c. 200 words) April 1st, to be sent to Notification of acceptance April 10th. Keynote speakers: Monica Brinzei (Institut de recherche...
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Difficult Neighbours? Jews & Christians in Medieval Legal Texts

Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy - Hybernská 3 Hybernská 3, Praha 1

Tuesday, 2 April 2019 11:00–13:00 Session 1, chair: Milan Žonca Neighbors and Partners in Crime: Evidence of Jewish-Christian Collaboration in Crime from Jewish Legal Sources Ephraim Shoham-Steiner (Ben Gurion University) I will present two cases of theft from legal Jewish...
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