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Studying the Arts in Medieval Bohemia II
29. září 2021 v 8:00 - 30. září 2021 v 17:00

The conference will be held in a hybrid form (in-person and online). Participants giving a paper will be present in person.
We invite other interested colleagues to register by filling in the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/KxDsa5fgWRCLQiCQ7
Only registered colleagues will receive a Zoom link to participate in the meeting virtually.
Organiser contact: Ota Pavlíček (Prague), Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, ota.pavlicek@flu.cas.cz
Wednesday 29 September
10:00 Registration
10:30 Opening of the conference
Session I: Dissemination and Networking in Central Europe
10:40 Aurora Panzica (Université de Fribourg) Fifteenth-century Textbooks: John Versoris’s Commentaries, Their Dissemination and Reworking in Central and Eastern Europe
11:10 Zdeněk Žalud (Hussite Museum in Tábor) Astronomy and Astrology between Prague and Kraków in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century. Possible Transmission of Scholars, Manuscripts and Ideas
11:40 Discussion
12:00 Luncheon (speakers & invited guests)
Session II: From Paris to Prague: There and Back Again
14:00 Harald Berger (Universität Graz) A Scattered Prague Logic as an Example of the Reception of Parisian Philosophy at Prague
14:30 Monika Mansfeld (University of Łódź / University of Oxford) John of Münsterberg’s Theory of Universals
15:00 Discussion
15:20 Coffee break
15:40 Łukasz Tomanek (University of Silesia, Katowice) Did Henry Totting of Oyta Comment on De substantia orbis? Remarks on His Teaching Activity in Erfurt
16:10 Discussion
16:30 Ota Pavlíček (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) Presentation of the First Volume on Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia
18:30 Conference dinner (speakers & invited guests)
Thursday 30 September
Session III: Prague University Speeches
9:30 Petra Mutlová (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University) Creative and Derivative? Recommendation Speeches at Medieval Prague University
10:00 Dagmara Wójcik-Zega (Archives of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków) Master Bartholomew of Jasło (+1407) on Studying Arts in Prague and Krakow
10:30 Discussion
10:50 Coffee break
Session IV: the 1409 Prague Quodlibet: The Context of the Tradition and the Introductory Part
11:10 Ota Pavlíček (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) The 1409 Prague Quodlibet in the Context of Prague and Central European Quodlibetal Tradition
11:40 Luigi Campi (Università degli Studi di Milano) Notes on the Introductory Section of Matthias of Knín’s 1409 Quodlibet
12:10 Discussion
12:30 Luncheon (speakers & invited guests)
Session V: the 1409 Prague Quodlibet: Disentangling the Influences I
14:30 Miroslav Hanke (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) British Logic in Matthias of Knín’s 1409 Quodlibetal Handbook: Genres, Sources, Distinctions
15:00 Zuzana Lukšová (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) Astronomical Topics in Matthias Knín’s 1409 Quodlibetal Handbook: Authorities, Sources, Parallels
15:30 Discussion
15:50 Coffee break
Session VI: the 1409 Prague Quodlibet: Disentangling the Influences II
16:10 Lukáš Lička (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) An Eastward Diffusion: The Intensity of Light from Nicole Oresme to Matthias of Knín
16:40 Discussion
17:00 Final thoughts