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The Mission of John Capistran in Central and Eastern Europe

16. listopadu 2017 v 8:00 - 17. listopadu 2017 v 18:00

International Conference
Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
16-17 November 2017

Thursday, 16 November

Tomasz Wiślicz (Warszawa), Deputy Director of the Institute of History: Welcome and opening
Letizia Pellegrini (Macerata): The epistolary of John Capistran: the story of research and its Polish laboratory
Paweł Kras (Warszawa): John Capistran and his Polish correspondents: research overview
Session I: Europe, religious reforms and Franciscan missionaries in the fifteenth century

Chair: Letizia Pellegrini (Macerata)
1. Daniele Solvi (Salerno): The European countries in the mirror of Capistran’s hagiography
2. Filippo Sedda (Roma): The letters of John Capistran in 1451-1456: the database and critical overview
3. Lorenzo Turchi OFM (Assisi): Beyond John Capistran: the travels and letters of James of Marches

12.00-14.00 Lunch

Session II: John Capistran in Central and Eastern Europe
Chair: Gábor Klaniczay (Budapest)
1. Frederik Felskau (Berlin): John Capistran as politician – correspondence and encounters with German rulers and bishops during his grand tour in Central Europe (1451-1456)
2. Pavel Soukup (Praha): The polemical letters of John Capistran against the Hussites:
findings and research perspectives
3. György Galamb (Szeged): Hungarian epistolary of John Capistran: status quaestionis
4. Anna Zajchowska (Warszawa): Echoes of John Capistran’s preaching in the Polish-Silesian epistolary

Coffee break

Session III: John Capistran in Silesia and in Poland
Chair: Marek D. Kowalski (Kraków)
1. Halina Manikowska (Warszawa): The fifteenth-century Silesia – the periphery in the centre of the European politics
2. Marcin Starzyński (Kraków): The circulation of King Casimir IV the Jagiellon’s letter to John Capistran from 7 September 1451
3. Maria Koczerska (Warszawa): Correspondance entre le cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki, le chroniqueur Jean Długosz et Jean de Capistran

Friday, 17 November

Session IV: The pulpit and papal policy
Chair: Halina Manikowska
1. Antonin Kalous (Olomouc): John Capistran’s mission and the papal policy
2. Otto Sándor Gecser (Budapest): The sermon and the treatise: two channels of communication in John Capistran’s activities
3. Thomas Krzenck (Leipzig): Capistran as a tireless preacher in Leipzig. A stay like everyone else?
4. Luca Pezzuto (L’Aquila): Observance in Europe. Images from the fifteenth century

12.00-14.00 Lunch

Session V: Franciscan reform and pastoral care
Chair: Antonin Kalous
1. Ludovic Viallet (Clermont-Ferrand): Jean de Capistran et la promotion de l’Observance
en Europe centre-orientale: un projet et ses limites
2. Giacomo Mariani (Budapest/Modena): Controversy over the Observant reforms: Roberto da Lecce’ attacks and John Capistran’s letters
3. Paweł Kras (Warszawa): Encouraging and disciplining: a case study on John Capistran’s letter to the Cracow friars
4. Gábor Klaniczay (Budapest): Disciplining society through the dresses: John Capistran and the sumptuary laws
Coffee break

Round Table: The Epistolary of John Capistran: research perspectives
Conclusions and closing


16. listopadu 2017 v 8:00
17. listopadu 2017 v 18:00
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