- akce již proběhla.
University of Vienna and the Hussite Chalice
27. února 2019 v 15:50 - 17:20

Medieval Thought: An Interdisciplinary Perspective – AAA500164
The course will combine elements of lecture and seminar focusing on a range of topics from historiography, histories of literature, literary theory, history of art, history of architecture, history of religion, philology and theology discussed in the framework of medieval studies. Each session will feature a talk by a junior Czech researcher followed by a response given by a senior foreign academic followed by a general discussion.
The course is aimed at PhD. students and advanced M.A. students but anyone interested in, or working on, any aspect of medieval studies is most cordially welcome.
Two credits for the course, conducted in English, are worth regular attendance (three absences maximum).
The lectures take place in Room 104 of the Faculty main bulding (náměstí Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1) on Wednesdays between 3.50 and 5.20 p.m., with one exception: the first session in may will take place on Monday 6 May.